2017 Thrive Advertising Update

Robin Imholte, President, Media Director

Thanks for stopping by our website today! We’re happy you’re taking the time to research us. I started Thrive 9 years ago, as an entrepreneur with a desire to see media plans be more strategic and dynamic. Digital Advertising was just really starting to take flight and having sold Traditional TV Advertising the years prior, I saw a great opportunity to converge Traditional and Digital Advertising to create wildly successful, ROI producing media buys. I’m happy to share with you that after 9 years of business there is not a day that I look back and wish I hadn’t taken the leap into entrepreneurship from my cushy sales job.

Thrive is different than other agencies by design. We’re a boutique company. Our focus is solely on creating well performing advertising investments for our clients, and customer service. People are surprised we don’t charge retainers and fees. I’ve been asked how I keep my business viable and profitable. Want to know the secret? Being conservative with overhead and service focused. That’s it. I have strategically hired wonderful people who are the brightest in the industry but also the most customer focused. I might be known by my team for repeating myself. One of the things I say over and over is, “We’ll never lose a customer over a problem. In fact, a problem is our opportunity to WIN or LOSE that customer for life.” Inevitably issues arise in business and life, but choosing to do the right thing and make clients happy is the “secret” to long term success professionally. My team is all about that. Making sure we do right by the client regardless of size. You’ll never see us treat a smaller client differently than we do a larger one. Why? Because I take great pride and personal fulfillment in seeing our clients Thrive. We become invested in our clients’ success so much that their successes become ours! That’s a great way to live life. Truly rooting for our clients, our employees and everyone around us.
I hope our website answers all your questions. I’d love to talk with you personally if you have a need to be filled. We have a lot of experience in hospitality/entertainment, real estate, legal and medical. We’re setup to work for just about any industry. If we aren’t the right fit for your business, we’ll let you know honestly and do our best to connect you with someone who can best meet your needs. We’ve developed a great referral base of wonderfully talented individuals who will treat you right. We’ve taken time over the years to get to know some of the best graphic designers, web designers, videographers and copy writers in the market so that we are ready to give well-thought, trusted referrals.

I’m looking forward to 2017. I’ve got some big goals, new visions and a whole lot of optimism about exciting opportunities that I’d love to share… over coffee. Not with the Internet. 😉
