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Connected TV Advertising in 2025: Local Media Buyers’ Perspective

As we head into 2025, Connected TV (CTV)** advertising is becoming one of the most effective ways for brands to reach their audiences. With more and more people opting to stream their favorite shows, movies, and live events, CTV is rapidly transforming into the go-to platform for advertisers. For local businesses, however, navigating this space can be tricky. It’s not just about finding the right spots for your ads—it’s about reaching the right audience and avoiding potential pitfalls like ad fraud. That’s where local media buyers can make a huge difference, helping businesses find their way in this fast-changing landscape while getting the best bang for their buck.

Here’s a closer look at why CTV is taking over in 2025, and why local media buyers are becoming essential partners for making the most of this opportunity.

What Exactly is Connected TV Advertising?

In simple terms, connected TV is any television that’s hooked up to the internet. This includes smart TVs and streaming devices like Roku, Apple TV, or Amazon Fire Stick. These devices allow users to watch content through streaming platforms like Hulu, Netflix, or YouTube TV, instead of traditional cable or broadcast TV.

CTV advertising lets brands show ads on these platforms, but with far more targeting power than traditional TV ads. Instead of broadcasting to everyone watching the same show, CTV ads can be tailored to specific households based on data—like viewing habits, location, and interests. 

For local businesses, this offers a massive opportunity to focus their efforts on the people most likely to be interested in their products or services. But as with anything digital, there’s complexity involved, and partnering with an experienced local media buyer can help smooth out the process.

Why Local Media Buyers Matter

As appealing as CTV ads can be, they’re not always simple to execute, especially for smaller businesses. When it comes to getting local ads in front of the right audience, you need someone who understands the market and knows where to place those ads. This is where a local media buyer steps in.

1. Local Expertise

Local media buyers have a deep understanding of the specific areas they serve. They know which streaming services or platforms are popular in a particular region and can help businesses zero in on local viewers. For example, a neighborhood restaurant or a regional service provider can use CTV to reach nearby customers rather than casting a wide net and wasting money on people outside their area.

2. Navigating the CTV Space

The world of CTV is complicated, with many streaming services and devices involved. A local media buyer can help businesses choose the right platforms and manage the different formats and requirements for each. They also have established relationships with trusted publishers, ensuring that ads are placed in premium content environments where they’re most likely to be seen and trusted by viewers.

By 2025, premium direct buys—buying ad space directly from a platform—will be a preferred strategy for many businesses looking to avoid the risks that come with programmatic advertising (which relies on automated systems to buy and sell ads in real time). This brings us to the issue of ad fraud and why businesses need to be cautious when choosing how to buy CTV ad space.

The Risks of Programmatic CTV Advertising

While programmatic advertising offers the convenience of automating the ad-buying process and the ability to scale quickly, it comes with significant risks—ad fraud being one of the biggest. As CTV continues to grow, so does the chance of ads being shown to fake viewers or bots, meaning advertisers are paying for impressions that never actually happen.

In 2025, programmatic CTV will still be popular due to its flexibility, but businesses, especially local ones, need to be careful. Without proper oversight, your ad might end up in questionable places, damaging your brand’s reputation or wasting precious ad spend. This is another area where working with a local media buyer can help. They can make sure your ads land in premium content from trusted partners, avoiding the risks that come with the open, automated programmatic marketplace.

The Benefits of Connected TV for Local Advertisers

1. Precision Targeting

One of the major advantages of CTV ads is the ability to target specific audiences with laser precision. For example, a local plumber can show their ads to households within a certain ZIP code, or even focus on viewers who’ve recently streamed DIY home repair videos. It’s a level of targeting that simply wasn’t possible with traditional TV ads.

2. Higher Engagement and Interactivity

In 2025, CTV ads will be far from the static commercials we’re used to. These ads will often include interactive elements, such as clickable QR codes, polls, or “shop now” buttons that make it easy for viewers to take action immediately. Imagine watching a local clothing boutique’s ad and being able to buy the outfit directly from your TV screen—CTV makes that kind of seamless experience possible.

3. Measurable Results

CTV ads provide detailed, real-time analytics. Local advertisers can track everything from how many people viewed their ad to how many engaged with it or took action, such as visiting a website or making a purchase. This data helps businesses fine-tune their campaigns to be more effective over time.

Premium CTV Buys: The Safe Bet for 2025

As we’ve mentioned, not all CTV ad buys are created equal. While programmatic buying offers scale and flexibility, it also opens the door to ad fraud and brand safety issues. On the other hand, premium direct buys—where you work directly with platforms or publishers to secure ad space—offer a safer, more controlled environment for your ads.

By purchasing premium ad space, local businesses can ensure their ads are shown alongside high-quality content in trusted environments. This might cost more upfront, but the return is often higher, as viewers are more likely to trust and engage with ads they see on reliable platforms.

Local Media Buyers to Help You Navigate CTV Campaigns

In 2025, Connected TV advertising will continue to be a game-changer for businesses of all sizes, but especially for local ones. With its precise targeting, interactive elements, and measurable results, CTV provides an unparalleled opportunity for brands to connect with their communities in a meaningful way. However, to fully harness the power of CTV, it’s crucial to understand the market—and that’s where a trusted local media buyer comes in.

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Media Buyer, Robin Rucinsky

By working with a local media expert, advertisers can navigate the complexities of the CTV landscape, avoid the risks of programmatic ad fraud, and secure premium placements that offer real value. For local businesses, the future of advertising is already here—and it’s connected. Our team at Thrive Advertising has deep experience in CTV and can help you navigate the media buying process. Call us to learn how we can improve your advertising results.