What You Ought to Know About Millennial Marketing

We know how to make advertising campaigns work over here especially when it comes to Millennial Marketing. Millennial Moms are a demographic specialty of ours. Marketing Tip: If you’re marketing to moms, Millennial or GenX , think BUSY. Moms are busy! So how do you reach moms on the go? We have so many ideas! We’ll help you! Moms are buying things all. the. time. Big …

4 Common Reasons Your Advertising Strategy Fails

Have you ever heard of a Demographer? A Demographer is someone who studies human populations, in particular, their size and composition. They study births, deaths, and migration. An advertising strategy that is crafted with demography is more effective and delivers greater ROI! Demography in Advertising Demographer Ken Gronbach explains that Demography demonstrates the “enormous power of counting people, promote[s] the …