Advertising Service Businesses

Local Business Advertising: Strategies for a Successful Local Advertising Campaign

In the dynamic landscape of local business advertising, staying ahead requires a strategic blend of traditional wisdom and modern innovation. Here are five key tactics tailored for large locally-owned businesses in 2024: 1. Hyper-Local Targeting: Harnessing the power of advanced geotargeting, large, locally-owned businesses can pinpoint and engage with their most valuable customers in real-time. By leveraging data insights from …

Does Pandora Radio advertising actually work?

I bet you listen to Pandora if you’re under 55. My mom listens to Pandora, and she’s 64. My kids do too. Pandora knows me by the stations I have and by the data available to them for accurately targeting me with ads. They have me so pegged. If you haven’t noticed before, start paying attention to the ads served …