Remarketing: Are you missing a huge opportunity in Retargeting?

I have friends who own businesses as well as clients who’ve asked me candidly, “What is the best bang for my advertising buck, truly? The straight scoop, please.” While there are many media placement options to get a great bang for your buck, the first and foremost of importance in my opinion is Remarketing, also known as Retargeting. Remarketing is …

Tourism Advertising in Regional Magazines

                                    Here’s a new ad by our mutual client City of Bothell that ran in Journey Magazine. Journey is AAA’s magazine which reaches 1.1 million readers with a circulation of 657,000+. Curious why we chose Journey Magazine for this client? Give us …

10 Lessons for Beginning Entrepreneurs

Successful entrepreneur’s advice for next generation of risk takers In honor of National Entrepreneurs Month, Dr. Robert B. Pamplin Jr., one of the nation’s most versatile and widely respected businessmen, offers advice to those who are thinking about taking the leap into entrepreneurship. “I’ve worked tirelessly, made difficult decisions, learned from mistakes and experienced great success as an entrepreneur,” said Dr. …

Spot Market TV Commercial – Seattle Market

Thought we’d share something we’ve been working on. We just placed a spot market buy in the Seattle Market (Nielsen Media Market DMA Rank #14) for USA Reading Clinics. Below is their spot which was produced by TVA Media Inc. Their TV messaging is mainly focused on reaching moms of children who are struggling with reading; and who have already …

Digital Ads Targeting Seattle Condo Buyers

Have you seen our client’s new digital display ads running? We’re focusing on targeting and retargeting for this client. By placing pixels and finding look alike and act alike users online we’re able to serve impressions to users who are more likely to make purchases.