When starting a business, you tend to think every prospect is a potential customer. Over time though, you realize that is a terrible way to run a business! Identifying your ideal customers and marketing directly to them allows you to focus on better serving your client base and saves a ton of money in wasted advertising investments. The top reasons …
Affluent demographics: how to reach your target audience with smarter marketing
As Media Buyers, we help advertisers strategically reach their target customers. We refer to target customers as “Demographics” in the marketing world. Our job as Media Buyers exists to help business owners and marketers create strategic advertising plans designed to reach people that are most important to them; many times, that is an affluent demographic. We’re known for successfully reaching …
Media Planner vs Media Buyer: do you know the differences?
Many marketing and business people wonder what the difference between a Media Buyer and Media Planner is. In a traditional sizeable creative agency environment, there are often separate roles for the Media Planner vs Media Buyer. A Media Planner is typically responsible for analyzing data to ensure that advertising campaigns reach the right demographic most efficiently. These folks assess the …
3 proven marketing strategies for businesses to stay afloat during a bumpy economic recovery
I’m sure many of you are in a similar boat. We didn’t ask to be here, but here we are, homeschool teachers. I have four children: two school-age, one preschooler, and a fresh terrible two. So, we are not ok over here! Just kidding, we’re ok. We’re healthy, and Thrive is operating, so we’re doing well considering the circumstances. However, …
Media Buyers save you a fortune
Oh, let us count the ways that we’ve saved our customers a fortune time and time again… I started this business in 2008. Eleven years later, when I tell people in social settings what I do, they have no idea what I’m talking about. So here’s how I usually explain what a Media Buyer is to a friend when they’ve …
How to reach more qualified customers with smarter advertising
There sure is a lot of enthusiasm heading into 2020 about the economy, and that leads entrepreneurs and marketers to the question, “how do we reach the right customers?” Business owners all across the country are looking for the secret to reaching more qualified prospects with their advertising campaigns. The beauty of marketing strategy in the new year is that …
Is my phone listening to me?
Unless you’ve been living under a rock without a smartphone – yes, we can hear you. (Is your phone listening to you?) All of us, all of you. Us… being “the advertisers” You know that detailed conversation you had with your friend over brunch? Sharing summer plans, upcoming vacations, and what’s not to miss in the Nordstrom Anniversary sale? You …
Seattle Advertising Trends
We’ve been working on many advertising projects this year so we haven’t had time to do our own marketing. Isn’t that the irony that most business owners and marketing professionals experience? We should spend more time on our blog. Making a concerted effort to update what we’ve been up to and how we’ve been creating ROI producing media plans for …