Why you must have a media buyer on your team

We thought we’d take the time to explain our business’s marketing services because it’s different from what most people think of when they think of an advertising agency. We don’t handle the creative side of advertising, meaning we do not write jingles, create commercials, or design ads. Our job is one of marketing and business strategy. We are more like …

professional real estate advertising expert

Professional Real Estate advertising strategies proven

Over the past 14 years, we’ve had the opportunity to work for many unique businesses. We have worked for dozens of industries, which allows us to learn marketing strategies that prove successful across all business types. One sector we’ve worked for significantly is Real Estate. Professional Real Estate advertising is dramatically more effective when you have a Media Buyer on …

franchise marketing

To franchisees who want franchise marketing results but don’t know where to start

Our team has the chance to connect with brilliant marketers across the country and even internationally. We recently connected with our friend Juliette who works out of Vancouver, BC, for some insights on franchise marketing. We asked her a few questions we thought you’d find interesting, and here’s what she shared with us! How is marketing for a franchise different …

picture of marketing to rich people 2019

Affluent demographics: how to reach your target audience with smarter marketing

As Media Buyers, we help advertisers strategically reach their target customers.  We refer to target customers as “Demographics” in the marketing world. Our job as Media Buyers exists to help business owners and marketers create strategic advertising plans designed to reach people that are most important to them; many times, that is an affluent demographic. We’re known for successfully reaching …

seattle media buyer

What you need to know about the ad market recovery from Coronavirus shock

Well, I’m glad I’m not the only one who has watched more TV this past seven weeks than I have in the past seven years. The ratings are in, and it’s not just the TV news networks that have sky-high Nielsen ratings! It’s HGTV and Food Network too. And Netflix, Prime Video, Disney +, and all the media, actually! Nothing …

tourism advertising agency

Tourism Advertising Agency Case Studies

If you’re looking for a tourism advertising agency, you’ve stumbled across the right media buying team for your hospitality or tourism brand. Here’s a fun partnership we did for a client, the City of Bothell, targeting Adults 50+ through AAA’s Magazine Journey.  We created an advertising partner for the City of Bothell to offer a getaway package through Journey Magazine, …