2025 Digital Advertising strategies

2025 Digital Advertising Strategies to Bring New Customers to Your Business

Digital advertising uses online platforms, channels, and technologies to promote products, services, or brands to a targeted audience. It leverages the Internet to deliver advertisements in formats such as text, images, videos, and interactive media. Digital advertising offers businesses the ability to track performance metrics, target specific demographics, and adjust campaigns in real time.  Let’s go through some key 2025 …

remarketing example

The very first marketing tactic you absolutely must have going at all times: Remarketing

First things first, Remarketing. So you want to start advertising your business, and there are more options than you can wrap your head around. Start with Remarketing. Remarketing is serving banner ads to people who visit your website after they leave. Remarketing, sometimes called Retargeting, is the lowest-hanging fruit in marketing. Do not miss that opportunity. Do you see that …

2022 advertising plans what types of advertising

2022 advertising tactics. So, what types of advertising do we do?

Today, I had lunch with an old friend I hadn’t seen for about 20 years. We started catching up, and she asked a great question that I realized isn’t addressed on our website. So I thought, hey, that’s a great blog post! What type of advertising do we do at Thrive? When it comes to 2022 advertising tactics, we do …

digital marketing tactics

Digital Marketing tactics to beat your competition

What types of Digital Marketing do we offer at Thrive Advertising? All the types. That’s the simple answer. What digital marketing tactics do we deploy most often? Programmatic Advertising is our most commonly executed digital marketing strategy. Why do we love this tactic? Programmatic advertising gives you, the advertiser, the power to deliver personalized, always-on, highly relevant ads to current …

Alternatives to Facebook Advertising

Alternatives to Facebook Advertising for scrappy marketers

Have you been struggling with the Facebook ad “glitches?” You’re not alone. Many changes to Facebook and Instagram’s advertising platform have limited advertiser’s ability to advertise like they use to. These glitches and restrictions lead advertisers to search for alternatives to Facebook advertising, and we’ve got several ideas to share with you. We do buy social media ads, but we’re …

Advertising During Economic Uncertainty

Leveraging the power of advertising during economic uncertainty

With the steady decline in the stock market and general uncertainty of what’s to come, some marketers are slowing down their advertising spend. But is this the best option when people are staying home with digital connections taking the place of face-to-face interactions? And as consumer behavior is changing, what effect is this having on performance and programmatic marketing? Here …

2020 Digital Advertising trends: quick guide to Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic advertising is automated digital advertising that optimizes the buying of digital ad inventory. With programmatic advertising, marketers can ensure that their advertising campaign is delivering the most effective ads to the target audience who is most likely to engage or convert. Here is a handy tool we’ve made available to our clients, a 2020 Digital Advertising Trends Glossary. This guide will …

picture of media buyers in seattle

Here’s the Scoop on the Media We Buy Most

Much like you lean on the wisdom and experience of a trusted adviser to invest your personal money, working with our media buying team puts your advertising dollars in a powerful position. Thrive’s digital and traditional media buying services were created to bring you years of insider knowledge, through in-the-trenches experience in media sales. Uniquely positioned with “backstage pass” knowledge, …

Programmatic Marketing Agency: What is Programmatic Advertising?

Programmatic Marketing Agency might sound like industry jargon. Many of our customers were initially perplexed by the concept of programmatic advertising or were entirely unfamiliar with it before partnering with us. Programmatic marketing empowers you, the advertiser, to deliver personalized, always-on, and highly relevant ads to both current and potential customers. Leveraging artificial intelligence (AI), programmatic advertising technology serves ads …

Programmatic Marketing: How to Improve the Experience

While much is said about the ever-increasing share of digital ad dollars being spent programmatically, not enough attention is given to the experience of the marketers behind these programmatic marketing purchases. Are their teams prepared and comfortable within the platforms they use? Do the tools at their disposal paint a clear picture of the customer journey? Are they satisfied with …